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Story Volume 1 January | 2023 & Me: Rediscovering my Indo-Caribbean Identity
2023 & Me Rediscovering My Indo-Caribbean Identity Written by Felicia Gopi I can remember the exact moment when I first had to clarify to someone that I was Guyanese, not Ghanaian, to someone whose background was neither. Yet, she insisted on correcting me, until I pretty much gave up. I was 5, I didn’t have the tools or the fight I have in me now.
Story Volume 3 March | A Time for Reflection, Celebration, and Family Karma: A Letter from the Editor, Felicia Gopi
A Time for Reflection, Celebration, and Family Karma: A Letter from the Editor Written by Felicia Gopi I’d like to think of March as a dynamic time of year. It’s a tipping point where as Canadians, we brace ourselves for those last ditch winter storms, but at the same time, we hold onto hope that it’s a time for more sunlight and temperatures above zero. There’s something about the onset of Spring that personally makes me feel lighter and more inspired.
Story Volume 3 March | A Conversation with Brian Benni: Bravo's Rising Star Gets Candid On Representation, Finding Love & Family Karma
A Conversation with Brian Benni: Bravo's Rising Star Gets Candid On Representation, Finding Love & Family Karma Written by Felicia Gopi If you’re sleeping on Family Karma, it’s time to wake up. The show, which just wrapped its third season, is a global sensation that boasts a lineup of stars who are all of Indian descent navigating family, friendship and of course, love. Among the cast is possibly one of the fastest-rising stars in the Bravoverse - Brian Benni.
Story Volume 3 March | Beauty Trends Can Be Problematic: Here Are 6 Brown Girl Friendly Influencers That Actually Look like Us
Beauty Trends Can Be Problematic: Here Are 6 Brown Girl Friendly Influencers That Actually Look Like Us Written by Felicia Gopi Trying out new beauty trends can be fun and exciting, especially in the TikTok and Instagram Reels era where it seems like a new trend pops up before I can even master the one from the day before. TikTok hacks can speed up your glam time dramatically, and sometimes, they can leave you with a bit of a mess to clean up.
Story Volume 4 April | Wear the Yellow Dress
Wear the Yellow Dress by Felicia Gopi When I’m picking an outfit out (that isn’t sweats) I often go through a series of criteria before making a choice. Is it something I like? How does it suit the occasion? Is it trendy or is it classic? Is the fit flattering? And also, is the colour flattering?
Story Volume 5 May | I'm Not Going to Lighten My Skin To Feel Beautiful and I'm Going to Need Businesses to Stop Telling Us To
Colourism is hardly a new concept that people of colour have had to face from those within and outside of our communities. Aside from the social implications that come from ignorant remarks and the inherent ways in which folks with darker skin tones are discriminated against in their daily lives, there also exists a system of capitalism that profits off of our man-made insecurities with regards to the colour of our skin.
Story Volume 5 May | DJ Reyaz: Meet the Indo-Guyanese DJ Who Is Breaking Down Barriers
“I played my music, and I felt very happy”— Making waves as a DJ, Reyaz has proved that anything is possible with hard work, determination, and a wholehearted love for what you do. We had the pleasure of sitting down with the 25-year-old on National Down Syndrome Day (March 21) to chat about his experiences.
Story Volume 6 June | Becoming Sanjina: The Hyphenated Journey of a Trans-Indo-Fijian-Woman from Vancouver to Toronto
Sanjina (she/her) aka Sanjina DaBish Queen, is a charismatic drag queen who is determined to bring Bollywood dance to the forefront of the community courtesy of her Indo-Fijian roots - a heritage that she is undoubtedly proud of.
Story Volume 7 July | Pandit Toshan Persaud's Spiritual Calling to Spread Joy and Learning to the New Generation
Religion can be intimidating. More and more you hear Gen Z and Millennial folks describe themselves as atheists, or as “spiritual but not religious”. Young adults and children in Indo-Caribbean households have mostly grown up Hindu, Muslim or Christian and while many have held onto their religious practices and traditions, there are some who would describe themselves as blank but not that religious. The term religion itself, for many folks - worldwide, signifies a system of rules
Story Volume 7 July | Toronto Carnival Music: The Hype List
As the Toronto Caribbean Carnival season approaches, it's time to get ready for the biggest party of the year! As one of the most important aspects of any carnival celebration is the music, we asked our followers for their favorite songs to create the ultimate carnival hype playlist. Here are some of the top picks for the upcoming Carnival season.
Story Volume 8 August | Saldenah Carnival: A Legacy
Toronto Carnival is revered worldwide as a place to let loose, celebrate and free up yourself on the road. The annual Caribbean Carnival Parade, better known as Caribana, is held on the Saturday of the Civic long weekend here in Toronto; but for the Saldenah family, the road to Carnival is much longer.
Story Volume 8 August | Beauty Behind the Scenes, An Interview with Sarita Nauth
Social media was ablaze on Tuesday May 2, 2023 - the day after the coveted Met Gala, where Social Media Manager, Sarita Nauth graced the red carpet to cover the event. For Indo-Caribbean, and Caribbean folks at large, this was monumental. I did not know Sarita, when her photo came across my feed, nor had I heard of her but at that moment, I was cheering for her.
Story Volume 9 September | Caribbean Excellence on the Road to the King's Plate
If you’ve ever visited Woodbine Racetrack located in Etobicoke, Ontario, you’ve been privy to the exhilarating sounds and often distinct smell of horse racing in the air. The stands are filled with excited fans who’ve put their money on their favourite racehorses, anxiously awaiting that starting bell.
Story Volume 9 September | Legally Brown: Natasha Prasaud on Fulfilling Generational Dreams and Making Room for Self-Actualization
Natasha Prasaud is a Canadian Lawyer-turned-Director of Associate Programs, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (Stikeman Elliott LLP) who was born to Guyanese parents that migrated to Toronto after leaving Guyana citing political conflict. Before Natasha got her start in the legal world she was a young 3 year old who attended school in Barbados up until age 7, when she moved back to Canada, settling in Markham, Ontario.
Story Volume 10 October | Putting the Half-Stories Back Together Again with Djamil Ninsoo
Djamil Ninsoo, known on Instagram as @douglabwoy_ found himself holding back tears on a visit to the Jamaica Archives and Records Department in Spanish Town, Jamaica.“I had to stop myself from crying because I didn’t want my tears to mess up the paper.” It was an emotional moment, one where Djamil, a cultural activist, author, historian and anthropologist, had been searching for in some way. The archives are a place where visitors can find historical artifacts like agreement forms signed
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